There is a great charity fund raising event being held in Bristol “From the Gym to the Ring” for those brave and committed enough to undertake the required training, then step into the boxing ring in aid of good causes.
From all at RelyOn, a massive shout out to Mark Drake, RelyOn Guarding & Security Service Support Manager, who has signed up for the next fund raising event. Mark is going to go through some intense and challenging training over the next 12 weeks in preparation for putting on the boxing gloves to raise funds for worthwhile charities.
Mark will be 52 years old on 8th March and said “I want to prove to myself and others that age is no limit to what you want to do and being a type 2 Diabetic get fitter also. If I can raise some funds for a couple of charities along the way, then what the hell, why not”
From the Gym to the Ring is raising money for the Darren Wright Foundation, who are Bristol based and assist disabled and seriously ill children all over the UK, a great cause.
The fighters will each get to choose which charity their fund raising will benefit. As its early days Mark has yet to decide whether his fund raising will be for the Darren Wright Foundation or Help for Heroes, I know Mark is hoping that he can raise funds for both charities.
All at RelyOn will be showing our support for Mark every step of the way, we please ask that our colleagues, friends and business partners also show any support they can. Support can be a donation (details of a fund raising page to follow soon), messages of encouragement, or just spread the word so the details of this awesome fund raiser reaches as many people as possible.
Fight night will be held on Saturday May 6th 17:00hrs to 23:30 hours at Action Indoor Sports, Whitchurch Sports Centre, Whitchurch, Bristol, BS14 0XA.